Guide for New Club Members

When you are new to the club, it can sometimes be confusing as to how to find out information on who to contact at the club or how to find about various issues such as:

  • How to get coaching
  • What is the dress code for bowling?
  • How to become a member of the league teams
  • How to enter club, county or national competitions
  • What months of the year do the summer and winter leagues operate.
  • Role of the main office and Club Secretary.

Booking a rink: This can be done by booking online via a mobile phone, tablet or computer on the club website. There is a link on the home page on the club website. You will need your club membership number. Roll-ups, club competitions, county and national fixtures can all be arranged in this way. Internal leagues and other matches are already in the Bowlr system.

Dress Code - Indoor and Outdoor.


Dress shall be predominantly white above the waist with grey or blue bowls trousers for all league matches and competitions. Club shirts are required for Friendlies, National and County competitions.

Club Finals

Dress for all club finals shall be whites and club shirts.

Roll Ups: Dress code for roll-ups shall be ‘smart casual’ and if members are of tidy appearance they will be allowed to bowl. No jeans or T-shirts with logos.


At all times when on the indoor or outdoor green, flat soled bowls shoes must be worn. Shoes must be changed to go outside and changed back again before going onto the playing surface. Please do not arrive in your bowls shoes - change into them once inside the building or on the outside green.


Keith Brudenell and John Greaves are the club coaches, and both are happy to give coaching to all members of the club, whatever their level of play. This can be on a group or individual basis. Please contact the Club Secretary (main office) and they will put you in contact with them. There is no charge.

Wellingborough Ourdoor Bowls
Wellingborough Bowling Club

Useful Terms


"Roll-ups" are, in effect, an opportunity to practice. Either by yourself, or with a group of friends. From September to April, the volume of matches being played leaves little rink space, so it is advisable to book your Roll-up in advance. From May to August however, when it is quieter in the club, booking a rink is not as necessary.


From September to April, the Club takes part in Friendly matches against other Clubs. There are men’s, ladies and mixed friendly matches, both indoors and outside. New members are encouraged and very welcome to play in these enjoyable games. These teams play around 24 games during the season. Playing matches at home and away, travelling to other indoor/outdoor clubs based in Northants. Offering an entertaining day out in good company, and are a lot of fun. The Friendlies are a great way to meet other bowlers and provide an opportunity to experience bowling on different greens.


The Ladies and Men’s Section is a major part of the club. It is well respected throughout the country, and is home to representatives at all levels, right up to International. It has an impressive record of County and National Title achievement, and through our new members we look forward to maintaining this heritage in the future. There are a variety of competitions one can enter, including novice competitions. It also has dedicated Ladies, Men’s and Mixed Leagues.


Ladies leagues usually run on a Tuesday and Friday afternoons at 2pm. Indoors there is a dedicated session on Monday afternoon for a Roll-up. This is an organised Roll-up with different people in a team format. Outdoors there is Captain’s afternoon on Wednesday afternoon with a similar format. Anyone is welcome.

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